MPL-Multi Purpose Language  

Posted by ceddy

alright alright... i'll try to write something now... shhhhh...

嘿,大家好...这是我第一次写华语的post,so 如果有什么错误的话,请原谅小弟...and请多多体谅我这半桶水品的华语...好啦,开始啦!!
ermm...我觉得大家应该不知道我的华语名叫什么啦,对不对?其实,在我的家乡,也就是chukai,kemaman(我以它为荣的哦!),我的朋友从小就是叫我‘阿晟’...haiz...这种叫法,已经好久都没被人叫过咯...真的有点怀念那种时间,尤其是小学的时候,大家就是把那种叫法,叫我叫到我好像黑帮的老大...不隐瞒你们,其实我真的很bossy一下的哦!:P小学的时候就是我人生里最充满快乐的时间...每天,无余的,自由自在的玩,每天玩到疯颠...真是好想念那时候...篮球啦,足球啦,乒乓啦,捉迷藏啦,‘tikam’啦,and etc...每天去学校的日子,就像天堂的一般,就是‘玩’一个字...小学的朋友,就是从小玩到大的朋友,现在互相见面的时候,我都会想起那些所谓的‘金点时光’...想起这一些点点滴滴,我有事都会笑起来...哈哈...哦,讲到那么久,都没讲到我的名...哈哈...那...小弟就叫‘陈彦晟’...记得喔!尤其是ppktj的,你们每天就是叫我‘cedric',’ced',听都听到闷死啦!

人生って、どんなもんだと思う?さぁ、オレもわかんない...笑...まあ、簡単に言えば、人生って、複雑なもん...毎日、オレら同じことやってるジャン?毎日毎日、同じことを繰り返して、ツッマンナイでしょう?だから、みんな、こういう言葉を自分に言ったことがあると思う------->'人生はおもしろくない' '人生はツッマンナイ' などなど...少なくとも、オレはよく自分に言っちゃう...時々、寝る前、ベッドで自分の人生はどうやって面白くするか、どうやって自分が幸せになるか、オレが21年の間に何をやっとるか、なんで人生はそんなにヒドイなのか、いろいろな答えられないことを自分に聞くんだ... only god knows why *kid rock's music playing on my mind*

mmg tuhan jer yg tau pasal ni kan? kan DIA jer yg menentukan hidup ktorg? haiz... susah la hidup... aiks? BM plak tu... hahaha... pesal ni... jap cina, kap jap, jap bm, nanti ape plak? haha... ak pon xtau... maybe ak miss blogging kot? hahaha... yeala tu, dah la sebln lebih xblog tu... asyik emo jer budak ni... :P

hahahha... wow.. this's cool... can write so language in one time, especially chinese... man, i miss chinese la wehh... hahaha... well, for those who can't read chinese or japanese, i'll do a translation for you guys, k? see, i'm so good! :P

[chinese version]
hi, greetings to everyone...this is my first time writing a post in chinese, so please forgive me for any mistakes and please forgive for my 'under-level' chinese here... *addition: i actually got 2A's in UPSR for chinese, ya know? :P bangga tu...

ermm, well i think not everyone who knows me, knows my chinese name, right? actually, back in my hometown, which's chukai, kemaman, my friends call me 'ah sheng'...a 'calling' which has disappeared for a long long LONG time...i miss those time, especially during my primary school days, everyone's calling me 'ah sheng', like i was sort of a 'kepala' gangster... hahaha... actually, i was kinda bossy back then... so, maybe they're right to call me that... :P everyday's a 'holiday' during primary school days...i play 24/7 crazyly that i actually got scolded by my parents, especially my mum... she's very strict.. hahaha... i played basketball, footie, ping pong, hide-and-seek, 'tikam'(sort of a 'game' which is used to tipu those NAIVE budak) and i admit, i was kinda naive by that time... hahaha... :P it's kinda nostalgic, ya know... thinking back bout those days... the days we made friends, played together... and yes, till now, we're still keeping in touch and whenever we met, we'll talk bout what happened during those days and we'll laugh, just like the old days... oh yea, type so long, yet you still dun know my chinese name... hahaha... it's 'chen yan sheng'... so, you PPKTJians, remember that! :P 24/7 call me 'cedric' or 'ced', dengar sampai telinga pon kuar 'minyak', kuar 'lemak', ikut suke ko nak letak pape kat situ la... :P

[japanese version]
well, i dun mind being called 'cedric' or 'ced' actually... hahaha... but ermm... everyday being called like that, well, need to refreshment maa... if not, boring la... :P alright, let's change topic then...
so, what's life? haiya, life again... boring la wehh, ced... i dun really know what it is, to tell you the truth... in fact, i beg most of us don't know what life is... we're doin the same old routine 24/7, i bet everyone would ask yourself this--------> 'life's boring' or 'life's dull' etc... at least, i tell myself... :P sumtimes, b4 i sleep, i tend to ask how to improve my life, how to make it interesting, what i've done for this 21 years of living, and why life's cruel? well, only god knows why... :P

well, yea.. that pretty much sum up my day... hahaha... and so, you guys, have a fun friday! ;)

This entry was posted on Thursday 19 June 2008 at Thursday, June 19, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


post in chinese???
no bad gud try....gambatte

22 June 2008 at 17:11

陈彦晟,today only i knew ur chinese name...actually i donno many ppktj chinese's chinese name oso...
some1 plz write a list of chinese name oso...natsukashii~~

24 June 2008 at 16:03

Hahaha... YOU write in chinese!! Hahaha..... actually who am i to say ppl hor. :P Jia You Oh!

Good lah you put emo days behind :DDD But being emo sometimes is good also mah. Makes you think a lot bout your life. You find life boring meh? Wah, Ced.. *ahem* or should i start calling you Ah Sheng, open your eyes, there`s so many things to do in this lifetime. Life is a blast. So totally not boring.

Me pula emo cos im stuck here and not out there. Hahaha..... see same world, diff ppl, diff experiences, diff thoughts.... Life`s real interesting!

Ok lah, better go. Comment to long edi. :P

3 July 2008 at 20:43

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