well, that's the kind of conversation that i would appreciate a lot... and i'm glad that you're honest to me.. you can talk to me no matter what it is... don't keep it to yourself... if you're reading this, you know how i feel for you... i miss you...
well, it's always nice to hear from your friend after so long, especially you're in overseas, right? it's not that i don't contact them, i do... msn, or calls... and yea, i got a call from one of my 'gay partner' in kemaman... and they're having soft of a gathering there... i'm not sure what gathering is that, but one thing for sure, it would be a blast having them around... too bad i've sore throat, which prevents me to talk much with my 'gay partner' just now... sorry guys... and thanks for calling, my 'gay partner'... :)
Well, I'm in the densya (train as in japanese) nw, goin to shibuya.. yea. I'm in Tokyo now.. Having this 工場見学 thing here 4 four days.. I'm not sure what's that call in English.. Yea, I noe my English's getting worst.. Bear me, k? And where am I staying? Hotel la of course.. LOL pay so much, of course I expect something nice.. Haha.. Evil me.. :-p and yea, do you agree with me if I say things happens in a split of seconds and that may leave a great impact on you? Yes, I just encounter that.. I'm not gonna write it down here.. Way personal to discuss it here.. I dun noe whether I'm lucky or not, considering the fact that this happens out of the blue, and actually i'm kinda embarass because of that.. So... Things happen accidentally... So be careful I should I say? Haha.. Alright, it's shibuya.. Chiow!!
Where was I just now? Oh yea, ayam kokok.. LOL all I wanted to say is, you gotta adapt to the environment, learn the way the people learn.. And I only realize this when I was in English class this year.. Don't be stubborn, just do what they do.. Though I don't really agree with the way they learn English.. LOL by hook or by crook, like it or don't like it, telan jer la dlm perut tuu.. In fact, you can improve your Japanese through English class.. How ironic is that?? Haha.. Actually, I'm blogging this in my Germany class.. Haha.. Chiow!! :-D
As you guys know, I'm currently studying japan.. And maybe you guys also knew how 'good' is their English.. I'm not looking down on them, in fact I'm kinda impressed with their way of learning English.. As we' Malaysian, we learn English since ermm.. kindergarden?? On the other hand, the japs started to learn english in secondary school, if I've not mistaken.. They are good in writing, only single words, vocabulary or spelling.. If you ask them to write an essay, I bet you will not understand at all.. But yes, all I wanted to say is the way the japs learn English is through memorizing sebiji sebiji.. いわゆる, 丸暗記ッス, which is not good at all.. The learning environment also doesn't help at all.. 24/7 Japanese only, how to improve la?? And yes, I admit that my English's deterioring as well.. I just couldn't come out with the word I want in English, and instead, I blur out Japanese.. Crazee right?? Tula la kate, masuk kandang kambing, mengembek la.. xkan berkokok mcm ayam berkokok kat m'sia?