
Posted by ceddy

yea, i'm having summer holidays now... i kinda enjoy the holidays, especially during the 1st week... but ermm... after that, it's kinda bored, i can say... haha... don't really know what to do to kill off my time... drama, ps2, movies etc... that's all i do for the 1st week... oh yea, forgot to mention bout my reports... hahaha.... finished it before i go for my internship in toyohashi uni... yea, i went for internship in toyohashi uni... nice experience... good teacher, good 'tutor'...actually, not really my tutor la.. he's doin his master program in toyohashi uni under that teacher, and my teacher ask him to guide us(me and another guy from my class)...he's nice... siap blanje makan lagi dowh... haha... :P talk crap whenever we're sick of doin experiments... yea, during the whole internship week, all i did was experiment only... that's all... it's kinda tired considering we conduct the experiment in the experiment room which the temperature shoot up as high as 37celcius! imagine that... i don't really believe it at first, but after my tutor show us the thermometer in the room... no wonder i was sweating all the time... crazeee one... nice experience, in short... :D

after my intern, i went to my friend's place in gifu, stayed there for 2 nights... long time didn't meet him dy... one year, i suppose? it's nice seeing him again... haha... bitch all day long, surfing internet together... sounds gay not? hahaha... and surprisingly, i felt like we, somehow, changed... changed in the sense that we're much alot like those aunties kat pasar, jumpe jer, bitching around, exchanging food recipes etc... yea, he taught me how to cook chicken rice... sampai he showed me what kind of rempah he's using... one big plastic bag he has and i taught him how to cook curry... hahaha... cute not? :P then, the next day, made the-long-craving chicken rice... went to buy stuffs, and yea, somehow i felt like a 'busy mother', thinking of what to buy to cook chicken rice... lol... chicken rice's not bad, but lack of 'chicken-smell' rice, if you get what i mean... the rice, tasted more like a normal white rice... so, master chef concluded that it's the 'chicken problem'... haha... yeala, bukan ayam kampung mah... :P then, the next day, went for fireworks festival in gifu... kinda nice, scenic one as the venue's nearby the river... i think it's much more better than nagaoka's fireworks festival... hahaha... not sure though... may go nagaoka next summer... *finger crossed* alright, enjoy some of the photos i took during the fireworks festival... ;)

just look at the crowd... well, my intention's to take the view of the sky, actually.. :P

i love this... :D

and this... :D
(1) should buy a tripod... taking fireworks photos wit hand-held cam's never an easy task... shake easily, especially it's at night... my friend there heard enough of my complaints bout tripod dy.. haha...
(2) 1st time taking fireworks photos... kinda interesting... for those dslr users out there, if you wanna shoot fireworks, shoot'em wit aperture range within f7.1~f8...but there's a catch, you'll find it difficult to stabilize yourself as the shutter speed will go longer... that's where a tripod would be very helpful... :D
(3) always remember where you put your lens cap, dun be too mesmerized by the beauty of the fireworks and forgot bout your lens cap... lol... yea, i lost mine, 'thanks' to one idiot who kicked my bag,walked away without apologizing and left me fuming in searching my lens cap... sad case, i gotta fork out another 700yen (it's kinda cheap, actually... lol) for a new lens cap... ouch!

This entry was posted on Tuesday 5 August 2008 at Tuesday, August 05, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



im x aunty yet la.

11 August 2008 at 22:47

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