
Posted by ceddy

ya know, i'm just too lazy to come out wit a title :P

well, it's just another normal day... been 'lil' bit busy lately,though... haha... i chat wit one of my female classmate yesterday... just a normal chatting session... we usually talk... even during class... she's the one who always come to my place and talk... though i think she's not as pretty as kyoto or tokyo girls, but still worth it la, especially when you are tired listening to the class, and you can just switch your eye balls to find the target... ya know what i'm talking bout... haha... but, pandai2 sorok from teacher la... hahaha...

well, we went to MM(multimedia room, where we're required to do some ENGLISH exercises, which i find erm... BORED, except for the listening part... at least i was listening to some 'bed time story' la... haha...) she's sitting besides me, and yea, we chat la of course, since english class's so so... err... wordless bout that... we talk,talk and talk, and all of the sudden....

the girl: 'セドリック君はさぁ~~タバコ吸うの?'
me: 'えっ?!タバコ??!' *made a shocking face*
the girl: 'そうそう、タバコ...吸う??' *wit their so-called cute voices,which sometimes iritates me*
me: '吸わないよ!何で?'
the girl: 'でも、吸ってもいいだよね...'
me: 'まあね...吸わないほうがいいと思うけどさっ...'
...... [changed of topic]

the girl: 'Cedric, do you smoke'----------> stupid question right? do i look like a smoker?
me: 'WHAT??! Smoke(Cigarettes)??!'
the girl: 'yea yea... you smoke?'
me: 'neh, i dun... why?'
the girl: 'but, even if you smoke, there won't be any problems, right?'
me: 'yea, i guess so... but, better not'

so, what's the point? i've no idea at all why she asked such question... i was wondering.... is she trying to ask me to smoke? hahah... i dun know... but in japanese society, i can say smoking and drinking are common among japs... alcohol drinks are everywhere, cigarettes are everywhere... and i dun really into it, except for vodka... haha... i like this, in particular--->

actually, it's a citrus drink, plus a LIL' of alcohol only... haha... alright, i'm off for samurai champloo now... chiow! :D

This entry was posted on Saturday 26 January 2008 at Saturday, January 26, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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