
Posted by ceddy

ya know, when 'careless' strikes, you'll never get the chance to stop it... similarly, when torres (liverpool striker) has the ball on his feet, you'll never get the chance to stop him... hahaha... what a stupid comparison... ;P saje jer wanna promote liverpool... hahaha... :D

well, 'careless', this evil lil' thing cost a lot problems in life... it 'strikes' whenever it wants, wherever it wants... macam bapak die... :P out of no where, it comes, uninvited... xtau malu right? muke tembok gile babi btul!!

haha... yea, that's the thing... i got back my organic test today... i'm satisfy, but not wit my stupid careless there... i really can't do anything bout my careless la... been having this 'sickness' since ermm... secondary school? this careless thing cause me precious 2 marks to score, ermm... hehe... malu la sayang nak ckp... okla okla, tell you la... full marks... but, what the heck... just a small mistake... drew the wrong arrow in showing the 反応機構 (structure reaction?!... LOL) i've checked the paper thousand million billion times, but still... it 'strikes'... man... been so careful, and yet... *wordless*

and yea, that's the thing... oh yea, i'm getting a single room starting next sem... hahaha... hoorayyyyyy!!! :D

This entry was posted on Wednesday 30 January 2008 at Wednesday, January 30, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


dats very good ady la

31 January 2008 at 20:01

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