Guess who's back?  

Posted by ceddy

Guess who's back, back again
c3dDy's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back,
guess who's back, guess who's back,
guess who's back, guess who's back,
guess who's back...

so, guess who's back? haha... yea, i know you guys miss me a lot... please please... i get it... you can stop that now... kesian you guys la, miss me so much but can't get much bout me lately..
*smack on the face* wake up ced! it ain't bout you, you bloody dreamer!

alright alright... back to normal... well, it'd been a disastrous time to me for the past weeks... for the last 4-5 weeks ago... exams and others... ish... my exam ended today, though... :P besides exams, well... been goin through tough times b4 that... just some personal stuffs and i'm not gonna mention it here.. ala, personal stuff la.. we're not interested also, ced... but yea, it'd been a tough time for me... and hence, the 2 previous post, which might have alerted somebody bout my condition or perhaps, triggered their curiosity on me... cis, macam la popular ced ni... but anyhow, thanks for the concerns and everything.. and yea, i would like to thank my BABYSITTER,who had been through all the fuss, the complaints, the unnecessary talks and etc... sure you guys wanna know who the babysitter is, right? hahaha... neh, i'm not gonna mention it here.. that would be our (is it 'our') secret... :P so, everything's back to normal... square one.. and yea, CED's back to normal as well... *applause* tepuk la sket...

well, these are some of the pics i took for the last few weeks... enjoy! ;)and i personally love this one the most...

stay tune for the next post... i might do it in chinese... hahahaha... long time didn't read or write chinese dy... dun know still can do it now... i might need some help from my fellow ipoh tauke, though... :P

This entry was posted on Wednesday 18 June 2008 at Wednesday, June 18, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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