
Posted by ceddy


yep, you got it!! A samsung YP-P2 versus an iPod touch.... these manufacturers are competing against each others, catching the consumers heart in buying their product... samsung came out with their YP-P2 n apple with their ipod touch... both of them have NEARLY the same features... well, everything has pros n cons, right? samsung YP-P2 has a bluetooth feature, yea BLUETOOTH while iPod touch doesn't have it n on the other hand, iPod touch has an in-built wireless which you can go online surfing or buying songs through itunes store and samsung doesn't have it... kinda hard to make up your mind right? get more reviews here bout samsung YP-P2

This entry was posted on Monday 1 October 2007 at Monday, October 01, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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