
Posted by ceddy

i'm in the computer lab now, just finished my report, not knowing what to do before my dinner at 6, so this is the only way for me to kill my boredom... haha... for the past few weeks, frankly, i just don't have the mood to blog or do anything wit the com... instead, i go blog hopping... haha... kinda fun reading people's rant or getting new info from others... :D went to robocon which was held in my college yesterday... had fun there cheering for my school team and watching those robots... fuhhhhhhh... cun man... fukui college emerged as the cham, though... omedetou kulim!!! :P well, as we know, japanese tend to hide their feelings instead of letting it out to the others, right? but ermm... i feel that the japanese society's changing when time passes by... hitorically, we know that japs are brave(brave enough to kill themself?) and they're very loyal, hardwoking and they never give up without giving it a fight... that's the good point they preserve till today... however, i realize that those good elements were deteoriating among the youngs nowadays... well, just take my classmates n my japanese friend here as example... most of them were sleeping or chatting while teacher's teaching... we may experience this as well back in malaysia, but as an advance country, don't you think this is kinda ironic?? my point is, dun always judge a 'country' by it's 'history' society's changing, so do the people... been winding to far dy... haha... back to the story... well, interview will be done by the MC to those who lost in the competition... n unexpectedly, there's a guy from gifu kosen cried during interview!! i was like:'huh???' this competition is recorded by NHK n do you really expect somebody to cry in such event? yea, maybe la cause he said he put too much effort in it n expect to win and bla bla bla~~~~n this is another negative thing bout japs... high hopes... ingatla, makin tinggit harapan, makin jauh ko jatuh... signing out now... too hungry la... NASI LEMAK!!!! chiow!

This entry was posted on Monday 22 October 2007 at Monday, October 22, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


i also think that nowadays those ciri-ciri that japanese well-knows of are deteoriating among those youngs one. well, may be it is because i havnt get myself more into them. there are still many things for us to see before judging it.

23 October 2007 at 10:38

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