
Posted by ceddy

well, my kousen will be holding a school open day next friday and today, we, the hostel student were require to join the 'parade', walking around toyama station telling people there'll be an open day in our kousen...

A:It's a bird!!
B:It's a plane!!

yea, everyone was required to wear those fancy or i should call it 'funny' costum prepared by the school... act, i was not suppose to wear this custom, but ermm my friend couldn't make at the last hour, so i wear his la... hehe... :P and yea, i wore the custom for the whole afternoon, walking around the street like a mad person, telling people this and that... luckily, the japs here were friendly enough to wave at me and the team...

i'm FLYING without wings.... :P

after the whole parade thing, i went to the newly open shopping mall... heard there's kinokuniya there... just curious bout the bookstore in japan... kinda nice, big, many books n i especially admire the megazine section... tons of them there n i came across this---->

yea, a public-can-buy PLAYBOY megazine!! am i lucky to have seen this issue wit scarlett johansen as the cover girl?? ahaha... but ermm... seriously, nothing much... no explicit contents... dun worry... unlike those japanese porn megazines(which i came across it to satisfy my curiosity of the kinki side of the japanese in sex)... this one is much more appropriate... i'm wondering when will playboy make their business in malaysia... hahaha.... anyway, it's nice to have kinokuniya here... i was thinking of my days in ppktj(kl) when my friends will just hang out in klcc and kinokuniya is a must for them (you know who) and they will stay there, reading books for hours... i can't really kill my time in shopping malls, reading books... of course, for a while, ok la... haha... the shopping mall is something like klcc, selling internationals branded stuffs... it's different from the other shopping malls here in japan as we hardly find international labels in shopping malls... till then, signing off.. :D

This entry was posted on Saturday 27 October 2007 at Saturday, October 27, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


u wanna give me heart attack ka???
cant believe u actually wore that...
and your hair...super long cik min here to ask you to cut ho..
how long u wanna keep la dude??
wanna fight with me izit?haha..

29 October 2007 at 19:12

i wonder if you were wearing that costum while you were walking around the shopping mall, haha! anyway, nice costum man! malaysia just wont have this kind of things. well, at least malaysia has klcc for me n wei jian to hang out for a day there, ya!

4 November 2007 at 10:10

senpai you sure look cute!

10 November 2007 at 19:16

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