
Posted by ceddy

well, something i consider interesting yet embarassing happened yesterday during E-N-G-L-I-S-H haha... you know how much i hate english class nowadays,right? it's not bout learning english, it's all bout japanese... and yes, i finally prove that yesterday... yes, the term ASTRONAUT... astronaut is a person who goes to universe, right? so, here's the story... my teacher likes to ask question according to our seats and yesterday, it's my lucky friday.. hahaha... i was the one, the very FIRST to be asked a question yesterday... there's a passage bout astronaut and of course the first question will be:"what's astronaut?" sound like a question for the retards,right? maybe not for the retards la... 'retard' is kinda harsh... haha... ermm... k k, back to the topic... and you know, we were required to answer in japanese... we call マレーシア人 for malaysian, 日本人for japanese....and so, you can guess what's my answer huh? Since 宇宙 = universe, so confidently and spontaneously, i said:"宇宙人" Make sense la, right? at this very moment, the girls giggled and the guys...ermm... still manage to jaga their macho la... i dun know what happened and all i did was looking at my teacher helplessly... well, i can see the teacher's laughing actually... then, my teacher asked me to define "宇宙人"... so i said people who go to space... this time even worst... all my classmate suddenly burst in laugther, including my teacher... i was blur for the first 3 sec, then i only realize that "宇宙人" means A-L-I-E-N!! haha.. damn freaking malu... then only i told my teacher it's "宇宙飛行士"... i've learned that word before, and yet that doesn't ring a bell at all... so, you tell me, this is english class or japanese class??

toilet MAN!! what comes to your mind when you have your first glimpse at the sign?

oii, lu tengok apa?! :P

camwhoring will always be your last resort when you're alone in the station... CREEPY!

This entry was posted on Saturday 10 November 2007 at Saturday, November 10, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


dun mind ! dun mind!
dun mind our rusted english!
coz I juz realised that I can't speak english fluently .
My mat salleh english teacher dun noe wat I was english talking about ...

11 November 2007 at 14:58

"what's astronaut?" sound like a question for the retards, right?

i don't see any retard-ism in that question la. kinda surprised that you pop up with such answer. you gave him silly answer, sure la they give you silly response.

11 November 2007 at 15:17

how cum I feel like the sensei just wanna make fun har...
Luckily my class everyone is like not really paying attension...
And luckily my sensei...till now not yet do such thing on me...
If not I will really get mad...

I like the last pic
though it's a bit not clear =="

14 November 2007 at 20:14

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