Posted by ceddy

alright, been tagged by my lil be-la-tha who's doin civil engineering in gunma... man, i've no idea who came out with all this 'tagging' stuffs in blogging... erghhh... 20 ques, 8 person to tag...

1. what's your fav football team?
c'mon, of course it's liverpool fc!! you'll never walk alone... though you lost to our rival, Man Utd, it'll never tone down my love to you... :D admit it man u fans, without that lucky goal and hargreaves driving the midfield for you guys, you won't win the game...

2. fav player?
used to admire micheal owen, but nowadays, i'm more in to torres aka el nino... getting the jersey this coming thursday wit his name print on it... *woooooootttt*

3. fav music?
well, lately i'm into faber drive's tongue tied and second chance... but ermm... my all time fav, father of nu-metal, korn's coming undone and slipknot's people = sh!t & pulse of the maggots

4.what's bugging you lately?
i can't download files from esnips, meaning i can't download music!! :'( anyone, any recommended sites?

5. school's subject you hate the most?
E-N-G-L-I-S-H!!! erghhh... translation translation and translation... why can't they study english using english??

6. what do you wanna eat the most at the moment?
man, i miss NASI LEMAK so much... not to mention ipoh's nga choi kai, white coffee, curry mee etc... :'(

7. how do you see at japs chicks?
well, 2 types of them... those who like to act 'kawai' as what you can see in anime and the other one, those who use make-ups sampai muka setebal tembok china tu... anyway, the latter's my fav... haha... you'll know it when you're in tokyo or kyoto or the big cities... :D

8. japanese guys?
ermm.... the hardworkings, the anime clans, and the cool ones...

9. places you wanna go wit your love one?
let's see... italy's venice, france's paris, america's LA, m'sia's pulau tioman or redang, japan's kyoto, and of course UK's liverpool... haha...

10. cinema or dvd or downloaded movies?
depends... with companions, cinema... alone, of course DVD or downloaded movie la... save money ma...

11. udon or ramen (these are japanese noodles)?
definitely ramen...

12. reading any books?
yea, currently reading the world is flat.. haven't finish it yet since ermmm... last year? haha...

13. fav actress?
nicole kidman!! :D

14. fav actor?
hugh laurie!! :D

15. fav tv shows?
HOUSE MD... no doubt bout it... the best ever drama series that i've came across so far... hilarious, suspense... good one

16. how's japan?
nice country.... love the scenery, the cleaniness, the people... but ermm... there's one thing that i dun really fancy bout... nips are to meticulious!! they would make sure 100% before they make the decision, which take such a long time and kinda troublesome...

17. fatter or slimmer?
owh man... please dun ask me this... :P

18. what's the latest tech gigs you're waiting?
genuinely, sincerely, patiently waiting for iPhone... haha... been saving all the money for it when it comes to japan next year... :D

19. how do you view the opposite sex?
well, females tend to be weak huh? no offence to the 'dragon ladies' though... protect them and love them... fuh yohhh ced... jadi hero la now? :P

20. lastly, footie or basketball?
well, i used to play basketball during primary school... 24/7 non stop... but somehow, i dun why i switch it to footie during secondary school...

alright, i'm not gonna tag anybody here... hehe... so good night and have a nice day!! :D chiow!

This entry was posted on Monday 17 December 2007 at Monday, December 17, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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