
Posted by ceddy

wooo... gonna do an autopsy on my exam... haha... i watched too much of HOUSE MD dy... got influenced by this character played by hugh laurie... great actor,though... i like the way he acts... very funny... :D alright alright... back to the topic... let's see the score sheet below:

無機化学 (inorganic chemistry): 90
物理化学 (physic chemistry? i've no idea how to translate it): 80
有機化学 (organic chem): no results yet
生物化学 (biology chem): 86
化学工学 (chemical engineering? that's direct translation): 95
応用物理 (applied physic): 100
物理 (physic): no results yet
解析 (subject deals wit integration and it's family :P): 100
総合数学 (total maths? haha... that's also direct translatation as well): 77
総合英語 (general english): no results yet
英語表現 (no idea how to translate bout this english subject): no results yet

alright, let's see.. for inorganic, applied physic, "chemical engineering" and "integration family" well, i've no complaints for those... the others... hmmm... for organic, i've no idea... gonna get it next week... and for the 2 english subjects, all i can say is I HATE IT!! erghh... it's driving me crazy throughout the exam... can you imagine doin translation question for almost all of the questions??? damn fcuk up man... i just can't stand it... as for bio chem, well, act i could score even higher marks (FUH YOH!!), but ermm... CARELESS-----> this evil thing this evil behaviour (you call that a behaviour?) tends to block my way... can't do anything bout it... careless mistakes cost me bout 8-10 marks... fuh... for physical chem, hmm... mistakes on answering the wrong word... there're nearly 5 questions which we were required to answer the suitable JAPANESE PHRASE and yet, i flunked it... got 2/5 correct... sh!t... cost me 12 marks for it... and lastly, for 'total maths' i've load LOADS of complain bout this... first, the teacher told us that this subject focus on all-the-national-college-students-should-take exam in January, and it won't be listed in our exam reports... plus, he said that the mid-term exam will only focus on the exercises which he gave us... honestly, all the questions are easy... prior to that, i dun really take this subject seriously, and i dun really study it... only flick through it the night before exam... and HECK! on the exam day, that particular teacher, all of the sudden, told us the info he gave us the other was wrong... totally opposite... SH!T... the exam paper, hell man... all keluar diff questions from the exercises... those basic questions which i CAN'T recall it... matriks, vector n etc... shit man... do you really expect me to study those last minute?? that's not the only one piss me off... the indian... he got this info early info and he didn't tell me... he studied the hell out of the text book which he used when he was doin his foundation in tokyo and today, he baru told me this... of course, he scored the highest... i was so frustrated... feel like choking him on the spot... luckily i passed this paper, if not.................... @%^$*&%^%$^&*() so the verdict: CED, you should brush up your jap and those miss out those small details... those small details will suck your blood out of your body in exam if you miss it... and yes, dun judge a book by it's cover... ya know what i'm saying... signing off... happy weekends! :D

This entry was posted on Friday 7 December 2007 at Friday, December 07, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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