
Posted by ceddy

"i need photoshop
need it to edit my photos"

yea, anyone out there, please PLEASE tell me where to get this free software from the web besides using shareware to get it... my school's damn freaking clever that they have this firewall, blocking all the access to p2p program...

normal days, nothing happened... except on saturday night where i'd this 送別会for senpais who're leaving japan or leaving toyama in toyama uni... :D kinda fun... had this nasi ayam, delicious sambal there... haha... well, we'd this singing session and i was there wit my new cam, canon EOS40D, snapping pics around... haha... kinda fun... :D so, that's it... i'm still figuring the way to store my photos taken by this new cam... size's kinda big and i'm running out of disk space... haha... flickr or photobucket, perhaps... gonna upload it to internet... that's one of the way, huh? ;)

school again tomorrow... have this test for organic chem... ermm, well... won't be a prob, i think... *finger crossed* :D


di mana kah dikau?!? ak tengah menunggu kau... :'(

This entry was posted on Monday 14 January 2008 at Monday, January 14, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Nasi lemak was served at the 留学生交流会 of my kosen last month...

15 January 2008 at 20:35

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