
Posted by ceddy

people say every songs has their own meaning behind the lyrics... well, it's kinda true though cause artist usually 'pour' in their heart in writing the lyrics... talking bout songs, i've been listening to english songs for most of the time... i did listen to chinese songs during my time in primary school... i still remember this jacky cheung's 'snow wolf something-something' (direct translation), and 'wen bie' (kiss goodbye) and this aaron kwok's 'dui ni ai ai ai bu ai...' thing... hhaha... man, thinking of this making me laugh... then, during my primary school graduation ceremony, we sang this 'peng you' song... i forgot the singer, though... kinda popular by that time... hahaha... i sang till cry wei... hahaha... :P after that, not so into chinese songs, but ermm... well, boyband... hahaha... BSB, N'sync, 98 degrees, boyzone etc... prefer BSB though, especially their 'millenium' album... the best album that they ever produced... and not to mention the 'black and blue' album :P songs like 'show me the meaning of being lonely' 'i want it that way' from the millenium album and 'as long as you love me' 'everybody' 'i'll never break your heart' from the older album and etc... fuh... all emo songs, i know... cause by that time, i was in ermm... 'love' land? hahaha... but lonely x padan right? anyway, i just like that song... :P then, later on, sick of all these emo theme songs, so datang la rock... slipknot, LP etc... can't recall... but, there's one particular song which gives me the deepest 'impact' on me... 3 doors down's here without you... damn freaking jiwang wei this song... hahaha... another meaningful song to me by that time... no no, till now in fact... :D others like lifehouse's you and me, yea... pretty cool... and now, i'm listening to all these 90's hit songs... a lil nostagia la, i can say... haha... just miss the old days... 懐かしいな~~~

'show me the meaning, of being lonely, is this the feeling, i need to walk with, tell me why, i can't be there where you are, there's something missing in my heart'~~~~

you guys should follow me to karaoke la... hahaha... :D chiow!

This entry was posted on Monday 7 January 2008 at Monday, January 07, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


HAHAH omg lmao!! that jacky cheung song damn farny!! and also the 'peng you' song i think by emil chau.

yea some of BSB's songs are niceeee. i like singing their songs during karaoke sessions as red box. aih, miss those times. =P

8 January 2008 at 16:14

aku pegi je karaoke ngn ko ritu.ko x join pun aku karaoke medley BSB...sedey aku...hahahaha

8 January 2008 at 18:33

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